Our community

The :DOMUS7 lives from the community and the commitment of the residents. The majority of activities are organised and managed by the residents themselves.
The association FREUNDE der Hochschule Karlsruhe e.V. supports and encourages this commitment by covering the costs of larger purchases and providing advice.


Events and activities are usually organised by the tutorials. New students are required to take part in a tutorial during their first two semesters of residence. The main purpose of this is to familiarise you with the structures in our house. Membership of a tutorial also allows you to get to know residents from other floors.

Projector tutorial

The projector tutoriat takes care of our projector. They organise movie nights and sport events.

Culture tutorial

The organisation of short trips to other cities (cultural trips), international dinners and cultural activities (e.g. museums, plays, musicals) are among the tasks of the cultural tutorate.

Sports tutorial

The sports tutors have the task of maintaining the sports room, organising sports excursions such as the ski trip, the water skiing day or a trip to the climbing hall and planning and leading internal tournaments, be it football, volleyball, table tennis or table football.

Copying tutorial

The copying tutoriat manages the copy room, helps with any problems with the copier, with binding scripts and supervises the use of the 3D printer.

Bar tutorial

We have our own bar - the Domus7 Bar. Events take place here at regular intervals, which are organised for each and every resident. The bar always opens on Wednesday evenings around 9.00 pm.

The following events are currently taking place:

1st Wednesday: Drinking games
2nd Wednesday: Board games
3rd Wednesday: Video games
4th Wednesday: Regular bar evening

Tool Tutorial

The tool tutorial manages the tool trolley. Residents can borrow tools from there. The tutors are happy to offer their support with repair problems. The residents' bicycles are repaired together at the regular repair cafés.

Chronicle tutorial

The chronicle tutorial collects pictures and information about current life in the hall of residence and stores them in the :DOMUS7 cloud.
It also maintains the :DOMUS7 chronicle book, which has immortalised events in the hall of residence since the 1960s. The residence's Instagram account (domus7_kha) has also been available since 2020. Have a look there!

Music tutorial

The music room in the basement of the hall of residence is maintained by the music tutorate. All residents are permitted to use the room.
Musical events such as a Singstar evening or a music café are also organised by the music tutorate.

Internet tutorial

The Internet tutoring team is responsible for maintaining and expanding the network infrastructure and communication technology in the building. The tutors also help with connecting end devices to the network.

Drinks tutorial

The Tutoriat orders drinks for the entire building and organises the weekly drinks counter, where residents and floors can buy and stock up on all kinds of refreshments.

Creativ tutorial

The creative tutorial is a bunch of creative minds who have set themselves the task of beautifying :DOMUS7 and designing the garden. They also regularly organise creative workshops, such as crocheting and knitting, handicrafts, baking and cooking.

The clubs in the hall of residence are associations dedicated to shared activities and interests.

Billiard club

The billiard club takes care of the billiard table. In addition, various billiard courses are offered for the residents of :DOMUS7.

Barbecue and suckling pig club

Every year at the beginning of the winter term, the barbecue club roasts a suckling pig. All residents are cordially invited to eat together in the bar.
The barbecue club also organises other barbecues and the :DOMUS7 New Year's Eve party, with a raclette grill of course!

Games club

The games club regularly organises games evenings in the building and is responsible for maintaining the games collection in the attic room aka co-working space.
There you will find games such as Activity, Codenames or Seven Wonders and many more.

Bier7-Beer brewing club

The beer brewing club is the youngest club in the dormitory. It was founded in November 2020 at the Heimrat with the intention of offering delicious, home-brewed beer at :DOMUS7

Events und Trips
The residents community thrives on its numerous events and activities.

"Car park festival" (Parkplatzfest)

The car park festival, which is jointly organised by :DOMUS7 and the neighbouring halls of residence every summer, is the second largest student-organised festival in Karlsruhe with around 4,000 visitors.
Each floor has its own food and drink stall and sells cocktails, waffles and burgers, for example.

Home events

Every semester, a number of events take place in the house that connect the floors with each other, so that you not only get to know the flatmates on your own floor, but also create a cross-floor community in the house.

Every year, a newcomers' rally is organised through the house for newcomers, giving them the opportunity to get to know the house, the tutorials and their flatmates.

They eat together at the International Dinner, the Running Dinner, the Christmas party and the suckling pig barbecue, and celebrate at the Tour de Salon, the bar evenings and the pub crawl.

Floor events

Internal events are regularly organised on the floors. For example, every semester there is a room tour on each floor, for which each flatmate prepares something to drink or eat in their room. They then walk from room to room together during the evening.

The newcomers are allowed to show off their cooking skills at the newcomers' dinner and cook for the entire floor once a semester.

Occasionally, a floor party is organised on one floor or another, to which the residents of the other floors and friends are also invited.


Numerous trips are organised during the semester, mostly by the tutor groups or the student representatives. These include the cultural trip, which takes place every summer semester, the ski trip, the water skiing day, the May hike and visits to the theatre.

In addition, the floor speaker and tutor weekends take place every semester. For this, we go to a hut in the Black Forest in the winter semester and to a campsite in the summer semester in a group of around 20 people.